
The story of dancing sparkle

Once upon a time a little star asked his mother: 'Momma, will I ever be able to sparkle as bright as sister, as beautiful as daddy and as gorgeous as you do? Will I?' and his mother answered: 'No honey! You will never sparkle as 'bright' as your sister, as 'beautiful' as daddy and as 'gorgeous' as I do!' The little star was confused and pretty sad about that answer, so he went to his father and asked: 'Daddy? Is Mommy fine?!' , and the dad answered: 'Of course she is! She's ready to become a shootingstar now, after that she'll become an angel, who lives by god's side!
'But won't you miss mummy?'
'Of course I will, but holding her back would be selfish! I mean she definetly wants us to be happy so this is why we have to sacrifice sometimes for the people we love!'
The little star was much more confused after this talk and thought a little walk would be great for him to open his mind! While he was walking he saw his mother standing in front of a huge endless seeming hole and talking to herself: ' I'm ready to go now! I was all alone, my whole life, so time came for me to pass away! Noone needs me! I'm just a useles sparkling something in this black sphere of nothing, so why do I have to let this whole existence go on this way? Becoming a shootingstar would only let this tragedy go on!' The little star didn't waist any time, ran into her arms and screamed: 'You're not alone!' Mother and son fell deep down into the hole.
'You always were the brightes, the most beautiful and the most gorgeous star in the nightsky! And you'll always be it in my heart! Dear god save this beautiful soul and give him the love and peace that he deserves'.
                                                                          >THE END<

Whatever happens in life, don't forget it goes on! And whenever you feel lonely or unloved, don't forget there will always be a person out there, who loves you more than his own existence!
XOXO, Kaley!


..just take a deep breath and JUMP

Have you ever thought about jumping off the roof? Well he did and he did it often, this is why he had everything  planned perfectly for his last night! His farewell letter was on his desk and his last will already written down. His parents were ashamed of him, his wife wanted him in prison and his son didn't even want to see him on his wedding ceremony. How should it be different? Even he didn't like himself, but his life wasn't always that depressing. He remembers the day he saw her beautiful face the first time! Her eyes catching his! He remembers first time kissing her soft rosé lips and her fingers nipping his hair! 
-'Ey! Go and search an other roof to die this roof will definetly be mine'
The voice threw him of his guard.
-Why this roof?
-It's important to me! 
-So it is to me!

XOXO, Kaley!


About school, work and other disasters

Hello my lovely readers,
I'm sorry for not being here for a couple of months, but I was so stressed with all this creepy shit surrounding me!
As you can guess everything started in school...
The summer passed and first day of school was just around the corner, therefore our little Kaley was so excited! I saw my boyfriend again and my lovely friends, everthing was fine until I got my timetable, which kind of made me freak out, because I have 3 times a week until 4 pm classes. Furthermore the tons of homework that I got didn't made anything better and the exams made everything worse, BUT  I have a new Job as a waitress now (yeeeeeeey) . Unfortunaetly I already made some bad experinces with some rude  colleagues. To be honest they made me on the verge of crying, because everything seemed to get wrong on that day, however I said to myself  'Come on Honey! Don't listen to them, they aren't worth it!' and decided to go on and forget the mean things they said to me.
As I told you at the start of this post I AM sorry for not being here for you, but I needed this time to handle some things in my life! I hope you'll understand and I can  promise that I will text A LOT the few next weeks! I alreday prepeard some things for you guys that you will hopefully enjoy!
See ya tomorrow!

Hallo meine lieben Leser,
Es tut mir furchtbar leid, dass ich einige Monate nichts posten konnte, aber ich war einfach so gestresst von all den Mist, der mich umgibt.
Wie ihr vermuten könnt fing alles mit der Schule an..
Der Sommer war vorbei und der erste Schultag stand vor der Tür, deshalb war unsere kleine Kaley mega aufgeregt! Ich sah meinen Freund wieder und meine süßen Freunde, alles war in Ordnung bis ich meinen Stundenplan bekam, der mich irgendwie zum ausrasten brachte, da ich 3 mal die Woche bis 16.00 Uhr Unterricht hab! Ferner machten die Tonnen an Hausaufgaben, die ich aufbekam nichts besser und die Klausuren auch alles schlimmer, ABER ich habe einen neuen Job als Kellnerin (yeeeeeeeeeey). Unglücklicherweise habe ich bereits einige schlechte Erfahrungen mit anderen Kollegen sammeln dürfen. Um ehrlich zu sein brachten die mich kurz davor zu heulen, weil an den alles so aussah als würde es schief gehen, jedoch sagte ich zu mir 'Komm schon Süße! Hör nicht auf die, die sind es einfach nicht wert!' und entschied mich weiter zu machen und all das, was sie gesagt hatten zu vergessen. 
Wie ich schon zu Anfang dieses Posts gesagt habe tut mir alles wirklich leid, aber ich brauchte diese Zeit um mit einigen Dingen klar zu kommen. Ich hoffe ihr versteht und ich kann euch versprechen, dass ich sehr viel posten werde die nächsten Wochen! Ich habe sogar schon manches für euch vorbereite, was ihr hoffentlich genießen werdet! 

XOXO, Kaley!!


Just live...

Open your mind and feel the beauty of nature with all your senses! Don't waste your time, go out, feel every moment with heart and soul. Just live...

Öffne deinen Geist und spür die Schönheit der Natur, mit allen deinen Sinnen! Verschwende nicht deine Zeit, geh aus, spür jeden Moment mit Herz und Seele. Lebe...